Color analysis – Color advice

    Color analysis

    The shade of your skin, the color of your eyes and the tint of your hair are naturally in balance.
    These harmonious colors will then be used in your outfit so you look radiant.

    During a color analysis we discover which seasonal type you are. Styling Yaelle dares to make your color advice even more precise with a personal sub-seasonal type.
    Together with you, we look through the scale of your seasonal color swatches in order to find your perfect colors that accentuate your personality and your charisma.

    Styling Yaelle even takes it a step further by combining colors, based on chromatics, but most importantly, adapted to the personal message you want to radiate.

    The color analysis also shows how you can harmonize your hair color, make-up and accessories with your look.
    Styling Yaelle surrounds you with extra comfort thanks to an individual make-up session consistent with your color palette.

    Contact us for a color analysis by e-mail or call us at +32 474 53 34 70.